Thursday, October 23, 2008

Crazy Week

So this week has byfar been the most stressful since beginning in August. I was in the hospital all weekend with-they think a parasite-but still havent gotten my culture back yet and then Monday afternoon we found out my dad had to have bypass surgery. Sooooo he had 4 bypass surgeries yesterday...but is doing great! I just feel bad for my students because I haven't been "all there" this week. I know they tell us to not mix our emotions with school, but thats hard to do. Especially when your a "blue" like me! Hopefully next week my life will get back to a little more normal!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chemistry Lab Experiment

Last Friday my Chemistry classes did a lab experiment mixing different chemicals. They really enjoyed it! It was amazing to see my students faces when they added phenolthalien to sodium hydroxide and the color went from clear to pink. They were all, "oooooo Mrs. Howard why did it do that", "thats cool", etc. Not to mention they LOVED the oh so "sexy" goggles I made them wear....a few of them even decided to pose for me in them. So I decided to post some pictures from that lab.

Diversity in my classroom

Hey everyone here are some diverse students in my classroom. Hope you enjoy!

These 3 students are all white students, but they are diverse because of their different learning styles. The one to the left is an audible learner, the centered one is a visual learner, and the one to the right is a definite "hands-on" learner.

These two students are very diverse, even though they are both African American Students. The one to the left is very much an extrovert and the one to the right is very much an introvert.

This final group of students is a very diverse this group we have a gay student, a teenage parent, and a student with a learning disability.

Some strategies I use to teach all types of learners are...for the lab experiments...I verbally give instructions (for the audible learners), then I give them a data sheet and written instructions (for the visual learners) and finally the actual lab itself is a hands on activity (for the hands-on learners). Hope you all have a wonderful week!
