Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big Rival Game

Sooooo....all week I've caught it from my students because Monticello (the high school i graduated from) and Warren (the school I'm teaching at) are facing off in a huge rival game tommorow night. Both teams look foward to this game every year. It has been definitely a challenge for me to root for the Lumberjacks this year, as throughout my life Monticello despises Warren in football. I swore up and down no one would catch me in orange (their color) this year, but sure enough last Friday I wore my orange shirt to support my football guys. Knowing that I'm a big Billie (Monticello) fan, my class made a deal with me. If they had a certain number of A's on their test Wednesday, then I would wear a Lumberjack jersey to school on tommorow. Needless to say they indeed met the number and now I will be sporting a Warren Lumberjack jersey to school tommorow. EEEKKK!! Anyways...I'm still loving teaching and loving the relationships I'm building with my students. This time a year ago, I wanted Warren to lose every single game they ever played, but now I find myself wearing the orange on Fridays, and cheering them on (as long as they don't play Monticello). Teaching is amazing because of all the relationships you build with the students. I have found my calling in life and I absolutely love it!

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