Friday, September 26, 2008

Sad Week

So this was quite possibly one of the saddest weeks I've ever experienced. As of today, 3 teenagers have been killed this week in southeast arkansas....2 in car wrecks and another committed suicide. Monday, a boy from our Church named Rooster was killed in a head-on collision right in front of Wal-Mart here in Monticello. Wednesday, an 8th grader from Warren Middle School shot herself. I teach at Warren High School and when the news came of Madison's death, somber covered the school. My students were asking why....why would this beautiful , popular,top student in her class girl, who never showed any signs of saddness or depression, end her life. Especially at the age of 14. As their teacher, I've struggled with words to say when such a tragedy has occured. It confuses me just as much as it does them. So this morning on my way to school, my husband calls me and says a teenager who attended UAM but from Camden (where my husband is from) was killed right beside our house in a wreck last night. Therefore, that makes 3 teenagers in one week lost. For those of you who believe in prayer, please pray for these families and the friends of those teens. I lost a classmate a few years ago and it is so difficult to lose someone your I know this is hard on all the students affected by these deaths.

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